
The detailTax element is an optional child of both the enhancedData and lineItemData elements, which you use to specify detailed tax information (for example, city or local tax). The total sum of the detailTax values should match either the salesTax value, if detailTax is a child of enhancedData, or the taxAmount element if detailTax is a child of lineItemData.

Parent Elements:

enhancedData, lineItemData

The detailTax element can appear a maximum of six times as a child of either parent.



Child Elements:

Required: taxAmount

Optional: taxIncludedInTotal, taxRate, taxTypeIdentifier, cardAcceptorTaxId

Example: detailTax Structure


  <taxIncludedInTotal>true or false</taxIncludedInTotal>

  <taxAmount>Additional Tax Amount</taxAmount>

  <taxRate>Tax Rate of This Tax Amount</taxRate>

  <taxTypeIdentifier>Tax Type Enum</taxTypeIdentifier>

  <cardAcceptorTaxId>Tax ID of Card Acceptor</cardAcceptorTaxId>
