
The descriptor element is an optional child of the customBilling element. This element defines the text you wish to display on the customer bill, enabpng the customer to better recognize the charge.

Type = String; minLength = 4; maxLength = 25

If you include a prefix:

  • The prefix must be either 3, 7, or 12 characters in length.
  • You must use an asterisk (*) after the prefix as a separator, in one of the following positions: 4th, 8th, or 13th. Do not use an asterisk in more than one position.
  • Use only the following valid characters:
    • Numbers
    • Letters
    • Special characters as follows: ampersand, asterisk (Required; see note above), comma, dash, period, space, or pound sign.

Parent Elements:




Child Elements:


When using a descriptor with eChecks, Worldpay maps the first 16 characters to the Company Name field of the ACH message and the last nine characters as the company phone number.