Same Day Funding

You can submit a funding instruction files (Batch or Online) before 11:00 AM ET or between 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET and the funds move the same day. Submissions must also meet the following conditions for same day processing.

  • All transactions, Batch or Online must be for less than $1,000,000 (single transaction limit).

  • The total disbursement to any sub-merchant cannot exceed $1,000,000 in a single day.

If you include a transaction over $1,000,000, or multiple transactions to a single entity totalling over $1,000,000, we mark the transactions as same day, but processing takes place next day. Because you set the sameDayFunding flag to true, we assess fees for same day funding. To avoid excess fees, do not attempt to use same day funding for these transactions.

  • We only process same day funding batch submissions on non-holiday weekdays (i.e., no weekends or holidays).

  • Batch or Online instructions submitted outside the allowed window are processed as next day funding instructions.

  • You must set the sameDayFunding attribute (of the batchRequest or cnpOnlineRequest) to true.

  • If you miss both submission windows with a batch or online file marked for same day funding, we process it as a normal, next day funded batch and apply only the normal next day funding fee.

Important: Services in the United States are provided by RealNet Payments LLC, a licensed money transmitter in the jurisdictions listed here.
RealNet Payments LLC: 11000 W Lake Park Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53224 (800)729.8787
Privacy statement found here.