
The checkoutId element has two uses. One as a child of the token element and one as a child of various response messages.

checkoutId as a child of response mesages

The checkoutId element is an optional child of several response messages, where it defines a unique identifier for the checkout.


Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 256


Parent Elements:

authorizationResponse, authReversalResponse, captureResponse, captureResponse, captureGivenAuthResponse, creditResponse, forceCaptureResponse, echeckCreditResponse, echeckSalesResponse, saleResponse





Child Elements:



checkoutId as a child of token

The checkoutId element is an optional child of the token element specifying the low value token replacing the CVV value. You use this feature when you already have the consumer’s card (i.e., token) on file, but wish the consumer to supply the CVV value for a new transaction. This LVT remains valid for 24 hours from the time of issue.

For additional information about this element, please refer to the Worldpay Enterprise eProtect Integration Guide.

Type = String; minLength = 18; maxLength = 18


Parent Elements:






Child Elements:


checkoutId as a child of response messages

Although the checkoutId element is shown as an optional child of several transaction responses in the schema, it is required in response messages associated with the Guaranteed Payment service. It provides a unique identifier for the customer checkout event.


Type = String; minLength = N/A; maxLength = 256


Parent Elements:

authorizationResponse, authReversalResponse, captureResponse, captureGivenAuthResponse, creditResponse, echeckCreditResponse, echeckSalesResponse, forceCaptureResponse, saleResponse





Child Elements:
