
The advancedFraudChecks element is an optional child of both the authorization and sale elements and a required child of the fraudCheck element.

Parent Elements:

authorization, sale, fraudCheck



Child Elements:

threatMetrixSessionId, webSessionId, customAttribute1 through customAttribute5

If you use V12.3 or above, you must use the webSessionId to provide the Id value, not the threatMetrixSessionId element.

Example:  advancedFraudChecks Structure with threatMetrixId


  <threatMetrixSessionId>Session Id for Fraud Check</threatMetrixSessionId>

  <customAttribute1>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute1>

  <customAttribute2>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute2>

  <customAttribute3>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute3>

  <customAttribute4>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute4>

  <customAttribute5>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute5>


Example:  advancedFraudChecks Structure with webSessionId


  <webSessionId>Session Id for Fraud Check</webSessionId>

  <customAttribute1>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute1>

  <customAttribute2>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute2>

  <customAttribute3>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute3>

  <customAttribute4>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute4>

  <customAttribute5>Some attribute passed for Fraud Check</customAttribute5>
