Additional Response Header Error Messages

When submitting transactions via Open Access, there are additional HTTP responses and validation errors that may occur. The table below provides information about these responses/error messages, as well as some additional errors you may encounter during Online transaction processing.

If you use Open Access (i.e., Transact) to submit Online transactions, you must limit the message size to a maximum of 20K characters. We reject any transaction containing more than 20K characters with a XML validation response value of 5.

The response value and message in the table represent the values for the response and message attributes of either a cnpResponse or cnpOnlineResponse. If Resubmit? = No, you must debug and modify the submitted message prior to resubmission in order to have any chance of success. Resubmitting the same message will result in the same failure.

TABLE A-8 HTTP Status Message and Validation Errors

response value



HTTP Status Code/Message






Invalid XML. Contact ecommercesupport

200 OK

The submission is not valid XML containing the user and password elements.

No - debug or contact Worldpay Support


Invalid credentials. Contact ecommercesupport

200 OK

The submission contains empty or invalid credentials (user and password).

Maybe - verify credentials


Connection limit exceeded. Contact ecommercesupport

200 OK

The merchant has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent connections.



Objectionable content detected. Contact ecommercesupport

200 OK

The system has determined that the submission may contain objectionable content or the message exceeds 20K maximum characters.

Reduce the size of the message below the 20K limit and/or contact Worldpay Support



403 Method Not Allowed

The merchant has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent connections.




405 Method Not Allowed

Only HTTP POST method is allowed.

No - debug or contact Worldpay Support



404 Not Found

An invalid URI was used. Verify the URI you are using is correct and that you have not appended any parameters to the URI.

No - debug or contact Worldpay Support



417 Expectation Failed

An HTTP Expect header was included in the HTTP POST, which is not allowed.

No - debug or contact Worldpay Support