Additional/Alternate Methods of Tagging Transactions

If you are using schema version 7.x or above you can use the merchantData element and its children to tag transactions (Authorization, Sale, Credit, Force Capture, Capture Given Auth, eCheck Sale, and eCheck Credit) with additional information. The three children of merchantData: campaign, affiliate, and merchantGroupingId, allow you to designate transactions as members of different groups enabling a deeper analysis of sales patterns.

For example, if the merchant from the previous example were trying a new sales initiative for Product 2 during the month of September. They plan to run ads in Boston and New York to test the new offering. To allow a deeper analysis of sales resulting from the new campaign, they can add the campaign element with a value of "September Ads" to the transactions originating in both test market. They can also include the merchantgroupingId with values that reflect the city where the order originates. By exporting either the Session report or the NSS by Transaction report from the iQ, the company can sort their sales data based upon these fields and gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of the sales campaign.

The transaction tagging elements described above appear in the exported Session and NSS by Transaction reports. They are also visible within the iQ in the new Transaction Detail reports.