The accountFundingTransactionData
element is the parent of several child elements use to define the use case and receiver of Visa Account Funding Transactions (AFT) and Mastercard Funding Transactions (FT). This element is required for both Visa AFTs and Mastercard FTs.
Prior to submitting Visa AFTs or Mastercard FTs, verify that your Relationship Manager completed your registration with Visa and/or Mastercard.. Please consult your Worldpay Relationship Manager for additional information.
Parent Elements:
authorization, captureGivenAuth, credit, forceCapture, sale
Child Elements:
receiverFirstName, receiverLastName, receiverState, receiverCountry, receiverAccountNumberType, receiverAccountNumber, accountFundingTransactionType
Additional Use Notes:
You must include the accountFundingTransactionType for both Visa AFTs and Mastercard FTs.
You must include all of the receiver fields when submitting Mastercard FTs (not required for Visa AFTs):
For Me-to-Me use cases (e.g. cardholder funding their own account or wallet) the receiver is the cardholder.
For money remittance use cases involving a merchant wallet or account, where you do not push the funds as a linked, back-to-back transactions, then the receiver is the cardholder.
For money remittance use cases where you use the transaction to directly fund a back-to-back push of funds to another person, then the receiver is the ultimate beneficiary of the corresponding push of funds.
For use cases where you use the transaction as the source of funds for disbursements (e.g. payroll disbursement), the receiver is the merchant that is making the disbursements.
Example: accountFundingTransactionData Structure
<receiverAccountNumberType>Enum Value</receiverAccountNumberType>
<accountFundingTransactionType>Enum Value</accountFundingTransactionType>